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In partenza il Progetto €œVocational Heritage promosso da Heritage Managment Consultants alta in partenariato Muoversi.eu in qualità di ente intermediario in Italia, si inquadra all’€™interno del Programma Leonardo da Vinci Azione Mobilità  Misura VETPRO e mira a sostenere la mobilità transnazionale delle persone responsabili della formazione professionale e/o risorse umane che operano all’€™interno degli uffici, enti, musei, che agiscono sotto la responsabilità di Heritage Malta.

I partecipanti, divisi in più flussi, realizzeranno un tirocinio/scambio presso Muoversi.eu. Lo stesso sarà incentrato sul trasferimento, sul miglioramento e sull’aggiornamento di competenze e/o metodologie e pratiche innovative nel campo della formazione professionale. Lo scambio riguarderà, inoltre, un periodo di formazione linguistica dei professionisti coinvolti prima di dare avvio alla fase di tirocinio.
Il Programma Leonardo da Vinci, al cui interno si sviluppa la presente proposta, cofinanzia la realizzazione della mobilità in base alla durata dello scambio e al Paese ospitante. Sono stabiliti dei massimali di contributo per le seguenti voci:
• Organizzazione del Progetto (progettazione, gestione e monitoraggio, rendicontazione e disseminazione dei risultati; preparazione dei partecipanti – formazione linguistica);
• Partecipanti (sussistenza – assicurazione contro il rischio infortunistico e la responsabilità civile, contributo per il vitto e i trasporti locali, alloggio, tutoraggio specifico; contributo per il viaggio a/r).

Le attività pianificate mirano a rafforzare l’apprendimento reciproco, la cooperazione e lo scambio di conoscenze, buone prassi e know how e contribuiscono alla modernizzazione dei sistemi di formazione all’interno delle strutture di provenienza, grazie all’esperienza accumulata dai professionisti coinvolti.
Il partenariato, nazionale e transnazionale, è stato strutturato in modo da sostenere la realizzazione delle attività in tutte le fasi progettuali e riunire soggetti sufficientemente motivati e interessati, operanti nel settore professionale privilegiato del Progetto e in grado di garantire una efficace diffusione dei risultati sul territorio.


The Vocational Heritage project, promoted by the Heritage Managment Consultants in partnership with Muoversi.eu operating in the Heritage committees.
The main objective is the will to support participants in training and educational activities, in the acquisition and use of knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate individual development, employability and participation in the EU labor market, especially in the area of the Museum management, Technologies of Restoration and Preservation of the Cultural Heritage.
Participants, divided into several flows related to the committees’ membership, will realize an internship / exchange in the structures of the Soprintendenza, Museums and Institution for the promotion of the cultural heritage, based in the Italian regions of Veneto and Emilia-Romagna (IT).
Also, before launching the training phase, the exchange programme will provide a brief language course for the involved professionals.
The LdV Programme, with reference to this proposal, co-finances the realization of mobility based on the duration of the exchange and the host country. It’s established the contribution for the following points:
• Project Organisation (planning, management and monitoring, reporting and dissemination of results; preparation of participants – language course);
• Participants (subsistence – accidents liability insurance, contribution for food and local transport, accommodation, tutoring and monitoring; contribution for travel).
The planned activities aim to strengthen the mutual learning process, the cooperation and exchange of knowledge, the best practices and know-how, thus contributing to the improvement of training systems within the structures of origin and this thanks to the experience of the involved professionals.
The national and transnational partnership has been structured to support the implementation of the activities in all the phases of the project, gathering motivated and interested personalities who are involved in the project as professionals and able to ensure the effective dissemination of results.

 M.I. Massaazikool, the Tallin International Massage Academy, arrives in the Veneto province for one European project of professional sector visit and training, to be carried out on a path in the field of physiotherapy and massages on the territory of Rovigo. The project, promoted by the International Massage Academy of Tallin (www.massaaz.ee), has precisely Italy is also included among the destinations, where it will take care of the reception and the logistics organization formative was the Association of cultural exchanges Muoversi.eu (www.muoversi.eu), based in Rovigo and already well tested on an international level and worthy of merit for having promoted and made known in the last years ago this area of ​​Polesine to other countries such as Malta and Portugal, also through the network of European design. Luca Fonti, president of the agency, explains how Muoversi.eu deals with the activities related to the training related to European mobility intervention programs. Intermediate structure and of welcome, provides for the organization and management of projects for the part connected to the language training and the inclusion of participants in private companies, public bodies and organizations, ai purposes of conducting the training internship and achieving the project objectives. The two participants Mai-Liis Toivar and Aljona Säilev, respectively school director and deputy director at the Estonian Academy, they are spending the 2-week period, scheduled for 12 to 27 September, dropped into a path of high professional training and technical and specific study in the area of massages and physiotherapy. The host institution for the internship is the Fisiomed Srl Rehabilitation Center (www.fisiomed.eu), contacted by Muoversi.eu, was immediately available for the implementation of the program, putting a in addition to its facilities, the professional skills of the staff are also available. The director Mario They welcomed the Estonian professionals with great openness and enthusiasm, undertaking them a path of exchange of techniques and mutual formation that is bringing positive results and qualitative growth for all involved, from a professional point of view, but also personal thanks to the added value of cultural exchange. At the Fisiomed facilities, as planned by Muoversi.eu, they were held in recent days also other highly professional meetings, operated by external experts in holistic massage techniques energy, coming from private studies in Veneto and Emilia, which have fascinated all the participants, stimulating new debates on the subject and expanding the horizons of the sector.

Valentina Manuela

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