Heritage Management Consultants

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The “VocHe” Project has been funded by EUPA.
Promoted by Heritage Management Consultants and coordinated by Malta Vocational Centre, VocHe has the main objective to offer the opportunity to n.9 professionals to improve their given skills and to acquire new technical-professional know-how. This, through their insertion within qualified work groups operating within institutions and bodies in the field of the cultural heritage, which give them new important awareness and experience within an intercultural system. That of intercultural is an essential factor in the creation of a development strategy to understand the new European quality standards in the field of the multicultural heritage. The participants will be involved in the following fields: management of the patrimony and related sectors, restoration, management of Museums and Institution for the promotion of the cultural heritage. The project is aimed to increase the international competitiveness in the field of multicultural Heritage.
In order to achieve these international competences the participants will undergo a training period of 2 weeks.

Coutry of destination: Italy


  • Heritage Management Consultants;


Intermediary partner:

Host partners: